Typing research report about coronavirus infection

Infectious Disease

The infectious Disease specialists’ team at Regional Clinic offers evaluation and treatment for a wide range of infectious diseases, with a focus on complex or unusual conditions. We often care for patients with the following concerns:

  • Recurrent infections of the skin or other soft tissue (supportive tissues such as muscles and fat)
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Recurrent herpes virus infections
  • Mycobacterial infections of the lungs and skin
  • Coccidioidomycosis, or valley fever, a type of fungal infection
  • Fever of unknown cause
  • Bone and joint infections

Our dedicated team strive to provide the highest quality care in a timely manner.

Welcome to our infectious disease specialist page! Our team is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to our patients, and we are proud to have a highly skilled and experienced infectious disease specialist on staff.

Our infectious disease specialist is a highly trained healthcare provider with a strong focus on diagnosing and treating infectious diseases. They have extensive knowledge and experience in this field, and are dedicated to staying up-to-date on the latest treatments and technologies.

If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of an infectious disease, or if you are at risk of contracting an infection due to factors such as a compromised immune system or recent travel, our infectious disease specialist is here to help. They will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs, and will take the time to listen to your concerns and answer any questions you may have.

Our infectious disease specialist is an integral member of our multispecialty practice, and is committed to collaborating with our other healthcare providers to ensure that you receive the best possible care. We believe that a team approach to healthcare is the most effective way to address the complex needs of our patients, and we are proud to offer a full range of medical services under one roof.

Thank you for considering our practice for your healthcare needs. We look forward to serving you and your loved ones.

Meet Dr. Nicolas Bordas

ID and Other Questions

A provider that has had additional training to treat complicated conditions. For Physicians this is a 2 – 3 year period after finishing Internal Medicine training. They commonly deal with fungal infections, parasitic, Specific viral conditions and complicated bacterial infections.

Stewardship is one of the core values of infectious disease providers. They work to ensure the most appropriate antibiotic for the correct amount of time. Unlike other medications like blood pressure medication or pain medication, Antibiotic overuse hurts patients, hospital and communities. All of our ID providers are involved in some capacity with the hospital stewardship where they work.

Infectious disease providers are able to give specific recommendations on vaccines and prophylactic measures depending on what part of the world you’re going and what activities you will be performing. IF you’d like to have a travel evaluation feel free to make an appointment with our office staff.

The virus that causes Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), our providers are trained or Certified by AAHIVM (American Association of HIV Medicine). Patients that have HIV properly managed have a lifespan and quality of life the same as people without HIV diagnosis. Feel free to contact one of our providers for an appointment.


Staph Aureus is a bacterium that normally lives in the skin of most people. At times these bacteria may find a portal of entry and cause chaos in the body of their host. Depending on the availability of antibiotics to treat this organism it can be divided in Methicillin resistant Staph Aureus (less options) and Methicillin Susceptible Staph Aureus (more options) 


One of the multiple viruses that causes hepatitis, this virus tends to stay in the liver for years and may harm it. If you’ve been diagnosed with this condition, evaluation by ID provider should be one of the first steps to attempt to cure it. Treatment lasts from 8 – 12 weeks and average success rates above 90%. Feel free to contact the office for an appointment. https://www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/hcv/patienteduhcv.htm

It’s an infection in the inner lining of the heart which commonly involves the heart valves. Without treatment, infectious endocarditis has a 100% mortality rate. On average, patients need to be diagnosed in the hospital and followed by a specialist post hospitalization. 


It is an unusual infection caused by a very slow growing bacteria. It is unclear why some people have the disease, but it can be treated with a cocktail of antibiotics. Evaluation with an ID provider should be the first step since not all diagnosed cases may need to be treated. On average, treatment is more than 12 months


Osteo-(bone)-myelitis is deep seated infection in the bone that commonly requires 4 weeks or more of treatment. Success rates for Osteomyelitis are dependent on patient factors, and bacterial factors. In our area foot ulcers are probably the most common route of osteomyelitis.


Disease cause by SARS-CoV-2 virus that has affected the world which is why it’s called a pandemic. Disinformation about this virus is rampant. In Regional Clinic we follow evidence-based medicine and recommend our patients to be vaccinated + booster

Some people develop a chronic condition of this virus called “long covid” or post covid syndrome. Research is still ongoing to understand this disease presentation and we are still actively looking for potential effective treatment.


This disease is spread through tick bites by a spirochete that may affect multiple systems (Central Nervous, Muscle, Joints, Heart). After the initial infection, some patients may persist having symptoms. Multiple studies have attempted to answer if additional antibiotics help in this condition. The best level of evidence indicates that antibiotics have no role to play after the initial infection.

Providers that offer prolonged antibiotic cocktails for this condition are doing it based on their personal experience. The Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA) and American College of Physicians (ACP) do not encourage/vouch these types of treatments.
